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The next MD Snapshot Practice Checkup: coming 2021

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November Messenger 2020 | Posted November 17, 2020

Stay tuned for an updated, virtual version

Once a year, CPSA provides all physicians in Alberta with a personalized Practice Checkup. Using the information provided through your Annual Renewal, this customized, educational report assesses the factors that can impact physician performance.

In 2019, Practice Checkup was made available online for the first time for all active registered physicians through the Physician Portal. Based on your feedback, we want to ensure this tool remains useful, easy to review and reflect upon. To make needed changes to how the report is accessed online, your next Practice Checkup will be delayed until early 2021.

Please keep an eye on future issues of The Messenger and your email for more information. In the meantime, if you have any questions about Practice Checkup or CPSA’s work with evidence-based medical regulation, please contact our Research & Evaluation Unit using the form below:

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