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From Health Canada: COVID-19 updates

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COVID-19, November Messenger 2020, Partners | Posted November 17, 2020

Over the past several months, Health Canada has been working to ensure relevant and up-to-date information on COVID-19 is available online for healthcare professionals. This Health Professionals web page continues to be updated regularly as new information becomes available. We hope you will find this resource valuable.

Please find attached a summary of new information that has been added to the COVID-19 Health Product Industry web page since Oct. 1, 2020, in addition to the regular updates to lists of authorized health products, authorized clinical trials and shortages.

Of note, on Oct. 16, 2020 the Minister of Health signed an Interim Order Respecting the Prevention and Alleviation of Shortages of Drugs in Relation to COVID-19. This Interim Order provides additional tools to reduce the impacts of drug shortages related to COVID-19. An explanatory note and guidance have also been published. Please visit Health Canada’s website for information on drug shortages.

Healthcare professionals have a critical role to play in identifying, reporting and managing potential cases of COVID-19. Health Canada will continue to share these updates on a regular basis in order to assist healthcare professionals to quickly identify new COVID-19 information.

View the updates in English or in French.

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