Micro-Aggression Training for Physicians

Become a leader in addressing racism in health care

Racism and discrimination are unacceptable in any setting.

In health care, racism and discrimination leads to negative care experiences for patients, care providers and teams, and detracts from people providing or receiving the best care.

In 2023, CPSA, Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) partnered to create an online training course forhttps://vimeo.com/946329009?share=copy physicians about micro-aggressions. With a goal of positioning Alberta’s physicians as leaders in addressing racism in healthcare settings, this course will help CPSA regulated members understand what micro-aggressions are, how to recognize them, why they are harmful and how to respond.

Learning Objectives

When physicians have completed this voluntary course, they will be able to:

  • Define micro-aggressions
  • Identify harms caused by micro-aggressions in healthcare settings
  • Identify examples of micro-aggressions in healthcare settings
  • Summarize interventions physicians can make when encountering microaggressions
  • Select appropriate interventions for situations involving micro-aggressions in healthcare settings
  • Differentiate between good, better and best interventions when encountering micro-aggressions
  • Engage in self-reflection regarding micro-aggressions

Watch this video to learn more about the training.



How to access the training

  1. Log into CPSA’s online learning platform, MyCPSA, using the same login information you use to access the CPSA Portal.
  2. Select Micro-aggression Training for Physicians from the list of courses assigned to you.

Claim CPD credits

When you’ve completed the course, download and save a pdf of your certificate so you can apply for continuing professional development (CPD) credits from your national college.

"We know there is systemic racism in our organizations and historically, we have failed to properly acknowledge and address it. We have much work to do and a single course will not resolve the problem, but this is one step towards improving physicians’ knowledge, and encouraging those with power and privilege to act in ways that are anti-racist and support all people."

- Dr. Scott McLeod, CPSA Registrar, Dr. Sharron Spicer, AHS Associate Chief Medical Officer & Michael Gormley, former AMA Executive Director

Questions? Please reach out.

Phone: 780-423-4764
Toll-free: 1-800-561-3899 (in Canada)

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