Our Financials
Our finance principles guide how we fulfill our responsibilities for accounting and reporting our financial resources.
CPSA is funded primarily by physician fees and it is our responsibility to be transparent about how those funds are spent.
Every year, a business plan and budget are presented to Council for approval.

All expenses need approval from a member of CPSA’s Leadership team. At the Leadership team’s discretion, invoices for less than $3,000 can be approved by another team member if appropriate. Invoices that are $25,000 or greater require additional approval by CPSA’s Chief Financial Officer or Registrar.
In the event an unbudgeted expenditure is $100,000 or more, the Registrar must notify and obtain the approval of the Finance & Audit Committee (FAC) on behalf of Council.
It is expected that unbudgeted expenditures of any amount will be absorbed in CPSA’s operating budget.
Monitoring & Reporting
CPSA’s financial performance is analyzed quarterly by FAC. In their quarterly reviews, FAC compares actual financials against the budget.
Our overall financial results are audited annually by an external accounting firm, which reviews a sample of councillor and executive staff expense forms to ensure compliance with expense policies.
Our audited financial statements are presented annually to CPSA Council.
Our fee schedules are reviewed annually and approved by Council.
Physician fee schedule |
Facilities & clinics fee schedule |
Physicians and Physician Assistants who retire, voluntarily cancel their registration, or pass away may be eligible for a partial refund of their annual fee, depending on the time of year:
- January: 75% of total fee
- February: 50%
- March or later: no refund
Facility annual fees for closed facilities are calculated based on the number of months the facility is or has been operational during our billing cycle.
Our team members, along with physicians and Albertans who work on behalf of CPSA (Council and Committee members, facility assessors, etc.), may be entitled to honorariums and expense reimbursement. Forms and receipts can be submitted by email to accounting@cpsa.ab.ca. A secure drop site is currently in development.

Government tax forms, Expense forms & resources
If you are a Councillor or Committee Member, click on All Resources and filter by “Councillors & Committee Members” to view all applicable forms.
All Resources