Albertans and physicians who have been impacted by ongoing wildfires in Jasper and in northern parts of Alberta can access information here. Resources will be updated as information is available.Find resources here


Before internationally trained physicians can enter the workforce, they must first apply for a sponsored position. Learn about the sponsorship process and how to become a sponsor.

Recruiting an internationally trained physician starts with sponsoring a position

Sponsorship is a step towards bringing internationally trained physicians into Alberta. Before these physicians can begin their practice readiness assessments and enter the workforce, they must first apply for a sponsored position.

The sponsorship process helps potential sponsors know what we need from them. It also helps us understand what the applicant physician is being sponsored for and what kind of assessment they will need.

Who may become a sponsor

Since 2015, Alberta Health Services (AHS) was the sole sponsor for internationally trained physicians going through CPSA’s assessment process. While AHS-sponsored positions will continue to serve communities with the greatest need, we have expanded who may qualify to be a sponsor. Some examples include:

  • individuals
  • nonprofit or not-for-profit organizations
  • for-profit corporations
  • municipalities, counties or other legally recognized entities under the Municipal Government Act
  • federal or other authorities, such as a First Nation, Métis Nation of Alberta, or a Métis Settlement

Expanded sponsorship rollout 

The expanded sponsorship model will be rolled out in phases:

  • Phase 1 (beginning March 2024): sponsors may apply to sponsor family medicine physician positions only
  • Phase 2 (anticipated in 2025): sponsors may apply to sponsor positions for physicians with specific high-demand specialties (specialties to be determined)
  • Phase 3 (anticipated in 2026): sponsors may apply to sponsor any position for physicians who meet CPSA eligibility requirements

Expectations of sponsors

Sponsoring a position for recruiting physicians helps support community-based health care. It’s also an important responsibility.

CPSA expects all sponsors to:

  • understand that sponsorship is of a position and to a practice/community, and not of a specific physician
  • commit to sponsoring the successful candidate—the sponsored physician—for up to 6 years
  • ensure the sponsored physician completes required orientation for international medical graduates through either University of Calgary or other approved/suitable course
  • commit to financially supporting the sponsored physician through the registration process, practice readiness assessment (PRA) and into independent practice
    • this includes living expenses, transportation costs and remuneration for PRA assessors and supervisors
  • offer sponsored physician independent legal counsel to review all sponsorship and employment contracts
  • recognize that CPSA’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics & Professionalism supersede any arrangements made between the sponsored physician and the sponsor

Medical clinics must be CPSA-registered in order to become a sponsor. Medical clinic registration is at no cost to clinics. Learn how to register your medical clinic >

Sponsored physicians reserve the right to report concerns about a sponsor to CPSA. Maltreatment of a sponsored physician may result in CPSA withdrawing approval for that sponsor.

The Patient’s Medical Home model must be in place for all sponsored positions for family medicine physicians.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada defines the Patient’s Medical Home as a medical practice where “family physicians work in teams with other healthcare professionals to provide accessible, high-quality care for their patients.” These other healthcare professionals may include nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists and others who work with the physician to ensure continuity of care.

CPSA will not approve sponsorship applications for family medicine positions that are not connected to a Patient Medical Home.

Application process: what to expect

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, you will need to apply to CPSA with details about the sponsored position, the patient population served by the position and more. CPSA reviews all applications to make sure sponsors meet their responsibilities to their community and to the physician who will fill the sponsored position.

Applying to become a sponsor involves these steps:

Step 1: Application

Prospective sponsor completes the sponsor application form.

  • CPSA to acknowledge receipt within 2 days.
  • Prospective sponsor gets a copy after submission.

Step 2: Initial Review

CPSA completes an application rubric to ensure all necessary information is included.

  • CPSA reaches out to prospective sponsor to advise where application is incomplete/missing if required.

Step 3: Complete Application

Once an application is deemed complete, CPSA reaches out to prospective sponsor to pay the non-refundable sponsorship fee of $3,500 + GST.

  • Entered in CPSA database.
  • CPSA sends invoice to prospective sponsor.
  • Payment made by prospective sponsor.

Step 4: Review

A committee reviews the complete application within 2 weeks.

Step 5: Decision

CPSA makes approval/denial decision within 2 weeks.

  • Decision email from CPSA Registrar to prospective sponsor.
  • Letter from CPSA Assistant Registrar.

Step 6: Contract

If prospective sponsor’s application is approved:

  • Sponsor will sign a sponsorship contract with CPSA.
    • CPSA emails contract to Sponsor through DocuSign.
  • Sponsor must register clinic with CPSA within 30 days.

If the application is not approved, the prospective sponsor may submit an appeal.

Step 7: Position Posting

CPSA sends approval letter with position posting information to Sponsor.

Step 8: Recruit & Sponsor Applicant

Approved Sponsor submits physician sponsorship form to CPSA.

Step 9: Renewal

Sponsor renews contract annually.

  • Sponsor can request additional positions upon fulfillment of initial requests.

Apply to become a sponsor >


If you have any questions before completing your application, please use the contact form below to reach out to our Registration Assessments team.

For current sponsors

Once you’ve identified a successful applicant physician, you’ll complete the following steps:

  1. Review the applicant physician’s CPSA Eligibility Letter to help with your selection process. The letter outlines which CPSA register the applicant physician can apply to and what assessment they need.
  2. Complete and submit the Physician Sponsorship form. This outlines the applicant physician’s type, scope and location of practice. It also asks for potential supervisor names for the Supervised Practice Assessment.

    Supervisor qualifications include:

    • Have an Alberta medical practice permit
    • Are on the General or Provisional Register
    • Have a minimum of 3 years of active practice on either register in Alberta
    • Are in good standing with CPSA
    • Should work in or have access to all locations and scope of practice that the applicant needs to be supervised in
    • Have no financial incentive in the facility/clinic or personal conflict of interest with the applicant
  3. Update CPSA (if applicable) about any changes to a sponsored physician’s practice by completing the Change to Physician Sponsorship form.

Applicant physicians must maintain their sponsorship once they join CPSA’s Provisional Register.

Sponsorship FAQs

All FAQs

What is sponsorship?

Sponsorship is a step towards bringing internationally trained physicians into Alberta. It starts with identifying a family medicine position in a primary care setting in the sponsor’s community of choice. Sponsors are responsible for recruiting physicians, which includes selecting the successful candidate to undergo CPSA’s assessment process.

Sponsors also play a key role in financially supporting the physician from CPSA registration and assessments through to independent practice in the community.

What has changed with the expanded sponsorship model?

Since 2015, Alberta Health Services (AHS) was the sole sponsor for internationally trained physicians going through CPSA’s assessment process. While AHS-sponsored positions will continue to serve communities with the greatest need, CPSA now welcomes individuals, organizations, corporations, and others with interest to apply to be a sponsor for a family medicine physician position in their desired community.

Why did CPSA expand their sponsorship model?

CPSA has expanded our sponsorship model to support continuous efforts to improve access to family medicine physician resources in our province.

How will this change benefit patients in Alberta?

Like all provinces and territories across Canada, Alberta is facing a family physician shortage. CPSA is expanding our sponsorship model to support improved access to community-based health care for patients in Alberta.

Who can become a sponsor?

Individuals, organizations, corporations, and others with interest may apply to be a sponsor for a family medicine physician position in their desired community. CPSA reviews all applications to make sure sponsors can meet their responsibilities to their community and to the physician who will fill the sponsored position.

After applying to CPSA, how long does it take to become a sponsor?

Applying to become a sponsor involves the following process:

  1. Prospective sponsors complete an application form on
  2. CPSA reaches out to prospective sponsors to advise where applications are incomplete/missing information.
  3. Once an application is deemed complete, CPSA reaches out to prospective sponsors to pay the sponsorship fee.
  4. A sponsorship committee reviews the sponsor application submission and makes a decision.

Applicants will receive an email within two business days confirming receipt of the application. CPSA will strive to complete the initial screening of the application for completeness within two weeks and the final adjudication of the complete package with a written decision within another two weeks; the total time should be about one month for applications that require little to no follow-up. If an application is incomplete and requires further follow-up during the initial screening, this will impact the timelines above. We anticipate that our process will be faster as time passes and we work to improve efficiency, as well as get through the large and enthusiastic initial volume of requests.

What are the overall costs of being a sponsor? How much does it cost to apply?

Prospective sponsors pay a non-refundable application fee of $3,500 + GST. This cost goes toward the assessment of the sponsor application.

If approved, the sponsor is responsible for financially supporting the physician from CPSA registration and assessments through to independent practice in the community.

Assessment fees range from $9,000 – $35,000 depending on the assessments the successful physician candidate must undergo. Other costs to support the successful physician candidate can range up to $100,000, which includes costs like incentives, relocation support, stipend during the assessments, support with work permits, site visit costs, etc.

Why does expanded sponsorship only include family medicine physicians?

CPSA identified family medicine positions as the most immediate priority for the first year. CPSA will be working toward expanding the sponsorship model to include specialty positions and eventually positions for any physician who meets CPSA eligibility requirements over the subsequent one-to-two years (mid 2025 onwards).

Why do sponsored positions for family medicine physicians need to be connected to a Patient’s Medical Home?

The Patient Medical Home model helps to ensure patients receive comprehensive, high-quality care. The College of Family Physicians of Canada defines the Patient’s Medical Home as a medical practise where “family physicians work in teams with other healthcare professionals to provide accessible, high-quality care for their patients.” These other healthcare professionals may include nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists and others who work with the physician to ensure continuity of care.

Questions about sponsorship?

Use this form to contact our Registration Assessments team. We’d love to hear from you!

  • Providing your CPSA registration # will help us resolve your inquiry more efficiently.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.