What does a Councillor do?
Simply put, Councillors are responsible for governing CPSA and fulfilling its legislative mandate, making policy decisions that help CPSA meet its obligations to Albertans. Councillors also develop and monitor CPSA’s Strategic Plan, and ensure the Plan is being implemented by the Registrar (CEO), who is responsible for running the entire organization.
Councillors are not involved in running CPSA programs or day-to-day operations.
"Whether a physician or public member, the real value is having constructive conversations with various opinions and the opportunity to learn from others."
- Stacey Strilchuk, 2023 CPSA Council Chair
We want your unique perspective so we can fully represent both public and regulated members’ interests. Together, we can impact the future of medicine in Alberta.

What are our expectations?
Councillors should have knowledge about the healthcare system and understand CPSA’s vision and mission to effectively deliberate policy.
Council members must:
- be strategic, thoughtful, objective and focused on protecting Albertans;
- be responsible stewards of public safety aspects of the medical profession;
- carefully read and thoroughly consider Council meeting materials, in order to knowledgeably participate in discussions; and
- maintain confidentiality on Council matters.
Why become a CPSA Councillor?
CPSA Council is made up of both regulated members and public members, and is responsible for setting CPSA’s direction and policies. Also on Council are Alberta’s two medical school Deans and two medical learners who sit as observers. By having public, regulated member and university representatives on Council, we can continue to provide a well-balanced and thoughtful approach to medical regulation. This composition also provides the opportunity for Councillors to learn and be supported by a diverse group of peers and the CPSA team.
In addition to serving alongside both medical professionals and public members who are passionate about leading the way in health care, Council members have the opportunity to take part in professional development offerings, helping grow both governance and leadership skills.
It’s a privilege to serve on CPSA Council, and with a new Strategic Plan, it’s an exciting time to bring your respected voice to the table.
What is the time commitment?
Council generally meets for two full days, four times a year, usually at CPSA’s office in Edmonton. Meetings generally take place in March, May, September and December.
We understand and recognize it can be challenging to balance Council work and your other responsibilities, your expertise and time commitment enable CPSA to protect the public by guiding the medical profession in Alberta. As you take on this meaningful work, we ask you to consider the potential impact such commitment could have on you, your professional responsibilities, and your personal life.
Depending on Council’s governance needs and your interests and background, you will have the opportunity to serve on one or more Council committees, which normally meet about four times a year.
Are Councillors paid?
Yes. Councillors are paid an honorarium plus travel, accommodation and meal expenses for each Council-approved meeting attended. The amount paid does not represent full compensation for lost earnings, but rather reflects a reasonable payment for one’s time and service.
In addition, CPSA, as a learning organization, highly values professional development and sets aside a designated budget for professional learning and training opportunities for Councillors.
Questions about becoming a CPSA Councillor?
Reach out to one of our existing Councillors to ask them your questions.