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CPSA's Council sets our overall direction and policies.

Who sits on CPSA Council?

A combination of physicians, Albertans and learners all bring their unique experiences and perspectives to CPSA Council:

  • Physician members, elected by their medical colleagues
  • Public members, appointed by Alberta’s Lieutenant-Governor in Council
  • Medical school Deans from the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary
  • Medical students and residents (non-voting observers)

How can I become a councillor?

Eligible regulated members  may stand for nomination or nominate a colleague in CPSA Council elections.

Members of the public interested in serving on councils like CPSA Council may learn more and apply through the Alberta government’s posting for public members on Health Professions College Councils.

Council meetings

CPSA Council generally meets for two full days, four times a year, to discuss key issues and make important decisions that impact medical practice in Alberta.

The agenda is posted prior to the meeting dates, with a synopsis of what was reviewed and approved posted after each meeting. If you would like additional information about the agenda topics prior to an upcoming Council meeting, please complete the meeting attendance form.

2024 meetings

Approved minutes of Council meetings will be available in the Minutes after each meeting. For access to minutes from other meetings prior to the current year, please contact CouncilChair@cpsa.ab.ca

Dates for 2025 Council meetings

  • March 6 and 7, 2025
  • May 29 and 30, 2025
  • September 18 and 19, 2025
  • December 4 and 5, 2025

Interested in knowing more about the topics being discussed at the upcoming meeting? Please complete the meeting attendance form.

Interested in past meeting topics? Check out past meeting dates and agendas at the bottom of this page.

Attend a meeting or request more info about an agenda topic

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Council committees

Council has several standing committees for serving Council members to take part in. These committees are:

  • Council Executive
  • Governance
  • Finance and Audit

Other committees

We also have additional committee opportunities for physicians and members of the public who are not currently on Council but would like to get involved with CPSA.

Growth opportunities for Councillors

Councillors sit at a diverse table with both medical professionals and public members who are passionate about health care and patients in Alberta. They share their expertise while gaining and strengthening their governance and leadership skills.

Councillors learn from and support each other, and participate in a variety of professional development opportunities, including:

  • Board Member & Governance Essentials Training
  • Indigenous Canada Learnings
  • Unconscious Bias Training
  • Orientation to Administrative Law
  • Decision Writing Courses (to assist with supporting Complaint Review Committees, Hearing Tribunal and Appeal Panels)

Interested in running for Council?

Your voice and leadership can make a difference on CPSA Council.

5 reasons to run for Council

  1. You want to support profession-led regulation
  2. You have (or want) board experience
  3. You want to grow as a collaborator and leader
  4. You want to help regulated members improve their medical practice
  5. You can bring diversity and a new perspective to Council

Past meeting dates & agendas (3-year history)

2023 meetings

For specific documents referenced in the above agendas, please email council@cpsa.ab.ca.


2022 meetings

For specific documents referenced in the above agendas, please email council@cpsa.ab.ca.

2021 meetings

  • March 5
  • May 27 & 28
  • June 8 – Emergency Council meeting on MCC’s decision to cancel the MCC Qualifying Exam part II, and how this decision impacts physician registration in Alberta.
  • September 9 & 10
  • September 20 – Emergency Council meeting to continue discussions from September’s Council meeting.
  • December 2 & 3

For specific documents referenced in the above agendas, please email council@cpsa.ab.ca.

Have any other questions about CPSA Council?

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