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Alberta Virtual Care Coordinating Body releases report: “Interoperability Saves Lives”

Media Release, Partners, Virtual Care | Posted November 7, 2023

Edmonton, AB – As a member of the Alberta Virtual Care Coordinating Body (AVCCB), CPSA is delighted to share the AVCCB’s highly anticipated and newly released report “Interoperability Saves Lives.

Health data is the cornerstone of quality health care; the ability to exchange health data efficiently and safely between platforms and health providers is essential for a high-functioning health care system. “Interoperability Saves Lives” focuses on the integration of health information and data between all medical and health providers, regardless of location or time, to provide a fully integrated and holistic view of the patient and their overall health. The core recommendations of the report include:

  • Health data interoperability in Alberta should be mandated through legislation.
  • The oversight of health data interoperability design and management in Alberta must include meaningful public and Indigenous representation.
  • Health data interoperability oversight should be public-facing, accountable, and fully transparent.
  • The design and management of health data interoperability should not be hampered by the agenda of any given organization or interest group, nor subject to the limitations imposed by electoral or capital funding cycles.
  • Alberta should endorse and adopt the Health Data Charter as a guiding framework for all provincial health data design and management, including health data interoperability.
  • The adoption of health data interoperability in Alberta should align with national efforts.
  • All Albertans should have comprehensive internet connectivity to ensure equitable virtual health care access.

The AVCCB, chaired by CPSA Senior Medical Advisor (Health Informatics) Dr. Ewan Affleck, is a non-partisan, advisory body comprised of health partners and patient advocates focused on providing evidence-based strategies to support better patient care and improved health outcomes.

For further information on the AVCCB and to access the full “Interoperability Saves Lives” report, visit www.albertavirtualcare.org.

Media Inquiries:

Dr. Ewan Affleck

Teri Price

Tim Murphy



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