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Consultation 022: Your opportunity to provide feedback on two standards of practice

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April Messenger 2022, Professionalism & Standards | Posted April 14, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

CPSA issued the Reprocessing Medical Equipment and Medical Services Requiring Accreditation Outside of Hospitals standards in January 2010. As the technology for medical equipment has evolved and other similar standards have since come into effect, CPSA is reviewing these standards to ensure they meet the needs of Alberta’s current medical landscape.

At their March meeting, CPSA Council approved proposed amendments to these standards for consultation. Because CPSA’s Standards of Practice impact your practice, your input on updates to our standards is vital in ensuring they strike an appropriate balance between serving patient needs and setting reasonable expectations for your medical practice.

You have until April 21 to provide feedback and have your voice heard via survey, email or comment form on our website. Visit our website and select the standard you wish to review to get started.


Questions? Email CPSA’s Standards of Practice Advisor at

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