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Community-based providers: Provider & Submitter IDs required for lab requisitions

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June Messenger 22023 | Posted June 8, 2023
Read time: 1 minute

We understand community providers are incredibly busy and want to ensure you have the information you need when ordering lab tests.

As part of Alberta Health Services’ Connect Care roll-out, community-based providers and clinics must use provider and submitter identifiers when ordering lab tests. We’ve learned that almost half of lab requests across the province (including requisitions for microbiology and anatomic pathology) are missing the provider ID and submitter ID.

While lab teams are working diligently to find the missing information and deliver results as soon as possible, this is causing delays and has the potential to impact patient care.

We understand the demands of your practice, however it’s crucial to maintain proper documentation practices to ensure efficient and error-free processing of lab tests. This helps mitigate patient risk and potential complaints, while improving patient satisfaction and the experience for healthcare providers. Please see important information and resources for lab requisitions below:

If you’re a community provider ordering lab tests or sending specimens for testing, the requisition must include:

  • Authorizing provider’s full name
  • Address including postal code
  • Phone and fax numbers
  • Provider ID & submitter ID (find your IDs here)

Community providers can use either DynaLIFE or Alberta Precision Labs (APL) requisitions. Results are delivered in real time to Netcare and to patients via MyHealth Records and MyAHS Connect.

While we all have a commitment to professional excellence as outlined in the Code of Ethics & Professionalism, your collaboration and commitment to delivering comprehensive and accurate lab requisitions is greatly appreciated and will enhance patient care.


Additional resources:

Connect Care: Community Provider Resources (Alberta Health Services)

Code of Ethics & Professionalism (CPSA)

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