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Standards of Practice updates: Consultation 022, 023 and 024

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Professionalism & Standards, September Messenger 2022 | Posted September 15, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

Consultation 022

Council rescinded the Medical Services Requiring Accreditation Outside of Hospitals Medical Services, as this work is already done as part of the Accreditation Department’s Non-Hospital Surgical Facility program. The standard will be rescinded as of Oct. 1, 2022. The updated Infection Prevention and Control (formerly Reprocessing Medical Equipment) standard was approved and will take effect on Nov. 1, 2022.

For more information, please review the Consultation 022 Outcomes.


Consultation 023

Council also approved the Continuing Competence standard of practice. This standard will take effect when the relevant portion of the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (No. 2) comes into force in spring 2023, at which time the Continuing Competence Program Manual will be made available.

For more information, please review the Consultation 023 Outcomes.


Consultation 024

The Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No.2) will remove the authorization of restricted activities from the Physicians, Surgeons, Osteopaths and Physician Assistants Regulation and put them into a new regulation. There will be no change in scope for the authorizations in the new regulation. These activities, as well as the supervision of them, must be addressed in a standard of practice.

In order to fulfill our legislated duty, the relevant sections from the Physicians, Surgeons, Osteopaths and Physician Assistants Regulation have been incorporated into CPSA’s existing Supervision of Restricted Activities standard of practice. The standard has also been renamed to Restricted Activities for clarity.

Council approved the draft Restricted Activities standard for consultation at the September meeting. CPSA will be seeking feedback from Sept. 19 to Oct. 19, 2022. Additional information will be emailed to members next Monday.


Questions? Contact CPSA’s Standards of Practice Advisor, Chantelle Dick, at

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