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Postponed: Implementation of updated Continuity of Care and Episodic Care standards of practice

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February Messenger 2022, Professionalism & Standards | Posted February 10, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

Implementation of updated standards will be delayed

At their December meeting, CPSA Council approved the implementation of three updated standards in 2022. The Virtual Care standard took effect Jan. 1, and updated versions of our Continuity of Care and Episodic Care standards were scheduled to replace the current standards on March 1, 2022.

Please be advised the updated Continuity of Care and Episodic Care standards will no longer take effect March 1, 2022, as originally scheduled. CPSA Council has approved this postponement and, for the time being, the current standards will remain in place.

Why the postponement?

In anticipation of the revised standards’ implementation, CPSA heard concerns from regulated members and our partners about an updated clause in the Continuity of Care standard stating, “A regulated member must not order a diagnostic test or make a referral request in another healthcare provider’s name.”

This clause was added to ensure a regulated member ordering a test remains accountable for follow up when results are received. Members of the profession and key partner organizations provided clear feedback on this clause, presenting to CPSA concerns regarding patient safety.

In response, CPSA has carefully considered a revision to the Continuity of Care standard. Because the Continuity of Care and Episodic Care standards are so closely aligned, the implementation of both standards is being postponed.

What next?                                

At their March meeting, CPSA Council will revisit the clause in the Continuity of Care standard. The implementation date for the revised Continuity of Care and Episodic Care standards will be announced following the meeting.

Questions? Please contact us at standardsofpractice@cpsa.ab.ca.

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