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MD Snapshot-Prescribing: your latest prescribing data is now available

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May Messenger 2022, MD Snapshot-Prescribing | Posted May 12, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

MD Snapshot-Prescribing is part of CPSA’s commitment to provide easily accessible resources in support of your practice. An interactive tool, your Prescribing Snapshot provides relevant and timely information about your opioid, benzodiazepine/z-drug and—more recently—antibiotic prescribing.

Your prescribing data from Q1 2022 is now available in the Analytics section of your secure CPSA Portal, where you’ll see some changes based on your feedback:

  • New analysis provides ingredient-wise breakdown for each drug class and trends for additional reporting measures over the preceding 12 quarters.
  • Simplified views provide an enhanced experience. For example, trend lines are now on separate pages for each analytic class and updated footnotes capture some of your FAQs.

Log into your CPSA Portal to review your latest MD Snapshot-Prescribing. For the best experience, we recommend using Internet Explorer, Edge or Chrome on your desktop computer.

Questions about MD Snapshot-Prescribing? Email AIR.Inquiries@cpsa.ab.ca or call either 780-969-4935 or 1-800-561-3899, ext. 4935.

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