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Investing Back Into The Profession

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January Messenger 2021 | Posted January 19, 2021

Building Fund Survey coming to physicians soon

As we gear up for the Building Fund Survey that will be sent to physicians this spring, we have prepared a snapshot of the options of what we can do with the $7.9 million reserve fund (total as of June 2020):

  1. Use the fund for CPSA operations and reduce the physician annual renewal fee in 2022.
  2. Keep the fund invested and wait for CPSA’s current building lease to expire in nine years. At that time, re-evaluate building or buying office space for CPSA, depending on the economic environment.
  3. Find partners to match the amount and use the combined sum to fund programs, initiatives or research benefiting all physicians.*
  4. A combination of the above options.

*Note: It is not yet determined how various partner(s) might be selected. This could be accomplished via a physician task force, by CPSA Council or by other means.

What’s next—exploring each option

In next month’s Messenger we’ll take a closer look at the pros and cons of each option to help you be well informed before participating in our survey this spring.

We may also look at setting up virtual information sessions, should enough interest arise. Please stay tuned.

Missed the background information regarding the building fund reserve? See our article in December 2020’s Messenger.

Questions? Email revu.inquiries@cpsa.ab.ca

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