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CPSA’s new window vinyl program: a sign of quality and safety

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November Messenger 2020 | Posted November 17, 2020

When Albertans go for blood work, x-rays or other diagnostic or out-of-hospital surgical procedures, they expect accurate, quality care and services in a clean and safe environment. Through CPSA’s new window vinyl program, Albertans will know their diagnostic or out-of-hospital surgical facility has met our robust standards.

“When a patient arrives at a lab, diagnostic imaging, sleep medicine, or any other CPSA-accredited facility, we want them to know we have thoroughly assessed it. Getting accredited by CPSA is a big achievement for facilities; it shows they have a commitment to quality and safety,” says Liz McBride, Director of Accreditation.

Travis Eremko, Chief Operating Officer with Respiratory Homecare Solutions—the first home sleep apnea testing provider to receive CPSA Accreditation—agrees.

“CPSA Accreditation demonstrates a commitment to quality improvement in everything we do,” says Eremko. “For patients, seeing that we are accredited gives them peace of mind that standards are being met. Becoming accredited takes a lot of work, but it legitimizes our business and the quality of our work.”

Watch for vinyls to start appearing in the windows of accredited facilities this month.

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