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Continuing Competence at CPSA

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December Messenger 2022 | Posted December 8, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

What to expect next year when our new standard of practice takes effect

In mid-2022, we asked physicians and physician assistants to weigh in on a draft of the Continuing Competence standard of practice. After considering all the feedback received during the consultation period, the draft was presented to CPSA Council, who reviewed and approved the standard at their September 2022 meeting.

So what’s changing?

Nothing! No, really. Requirements for continuing competence are currently captured in the Physicians, Surgeons, Osteopaths and Physicians Assistants Regulation. Once the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No.2) goes into effect (which is expected to happen in early 2023), competence requirements will move from the regulation into a standard of practice. CPSA’s Continuing Competence standard of practice will only address requirements currently found in the regulation.

A resource to help along the way

This revised legislation also requires the development of a program manual to support members in meeting the requirements of the new standard. Our Continuing Competence Program Manual is currently in development and will be available when the standard takes effect in 2023. Stay tuned for more information in January.

Questions and answers

We understand there are a lot of questions about how CPSA works with physicians and physician assistants to ensure high-quality patient care. We hope the standard and program manual will provide clarity and support about our Continuing Competence programs. If you would like to know more in the meantime, visit our website or email CC.Inquiries@cpsa.ab.ca.

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