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Safe and effective infection prevention and control practices in medical clinics

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Infection Prevention and Control, January Messenger 2025 | Posted January 16, 2025
Read time: 2 minutes

When patients in Alberta visit medical clinics, they expect high-quality care in a safe space. CPSA helps medical clinics create safe spaces for their teams and patients with our requirements for infection prevention and control, and medical device reprocessing (MDR) measures like cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing reusable medical devices.

Does your clinic use reusable medical devices? We’d like to hear from you! Your input will help CPSA develop medical clinic resources for MDR.

CPSA is conducting a survey with medical clinics across the province to learn who is responsible for MDR within their clinics. MDR includes but is not limited to:

  • Point-of-use cleaning of reusable medical devices
  • Manual cleaning of reusable medical devices
  • High-level disinfection of reusable medical devices
  • Sterilization of medical devices

By completing this short, three-minute survey, you will play a crucial role in supporting the development of tailored educational resources to support clinics in maintaining safe and effective reprocessing practices. This survey will remain open until Jan. 31, 2025.

Complete the survey here

Join CPSA’s Medical Clinic Registry

If you have registered your medical clinic through CPSA’s Medical Clinic Registry, you will receive this survey request and other valuable communication by email.

Learn more or register your clinic here

Do you have an active MDR certificate of compliance?

Medical clinics are reminded that certificates of compliance for MDR are valid for up to five years from the date of issuance. These certificates confirm that your medical clinic has successfully met the requirements for MDR and provides reassurance to patients that your clinic commits to safe patient care. If your clinic’s MDR certificate has expired or your clinic performs MDR without a certificate, please contact (780) 969-5001 or ipac@cpsa.ab.ca to learn more.

A healthcare worker taking a plastic syringe out of a package.


Featured resource: MDR staff competency template now available for medical clinics

Medical clinic staff who are responsible for MDR need to undergo regular competency assessments to ensure continued safe patient care. Competency assessments confirm that clinic staff responsible for reusable MDR are knowledgeable and adhere to all manufacturers’ instructions for use (MIFU) and clinic protocols.

CPSA has developed an assessment template to assist evaluators in verifying that staff have the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to safely perform MDR.

You can download CPSA’s MDR staff competency assessment template as an Excel or PDF document.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Infection Prevention & Control (IPAC) team at (780) 969-5001 or ipac@cpsa.ab.ca.

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