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Running for CPSA Council – Eligibility Requirements

Council | Posted June 23, 2020

A regulated member on the General Register, the Provisional Register or the Limited Practice Register (whether a physician, surgeon, osteopath or physician assistant) may stand for nomination, nominate a colleague and vote in the election if:

  • no fees, costs, fines, assessments, levies, or any other sums are owing by the member to CPSA;
  • the member has a valid and current practice permit that is not currently suspended; and
  • the member is in compliance with all orders or directions made pursuant to the Health Information Act.

A regulated member is not eligible to be nominated for or elected as a member of Council if:

  • the member is currently subject to an undertaking, a condition imposed under section 55 or 65, or a direction under section 118 of the Act; or
  • has been formally charged with unprofessional conduct that has not yet been determined by a Hearing Tribunal; or
  • has been found guilty of unprofessional conduct within the preceding ten (10) years.

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