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Passing the baton

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Council, CPSA Council, December Messenger 2023 | Posted December 14, 2023
Read time: 2 minutes

By Stacey Strilchuk, CPSA Council Chair

It is with mixed emotions that I finish up my two-year term as Council Chair this month. I am grateful to have had this wonderful experience, but I am also acutely aware of the importance of passing the baton. I will do so knowing that the Executive Committee and Council are well prepared for the new year.

At no point did I ever feel that I was in this race alone—it was always a relay. Personal effort is certainly involved while in the role of Council Chair, as well as an appetite for learning and training. However, it is also important to recognize that there is a finish line. The reward for crossing the finish line is ensuring individual Councillors, Council and the organization have the best chance of success moving forward.

I undertake this transition with a tremendous amount of pride and enthusiasm because of the work and efforts of Council to embrace a strategic planning process and governance review. Because of this good work, I believe CPSA is well positioned for a stronger future and continued growth while remaining committed to its mandate of protecting the public.

I am deeply honoured to have been CPSA Council Chair and wish to thank my Council colleagues, as well as the CPSA leadership team and staff for their support and guidance. Together, we committed to a positive Council culture, one that has identified and embraced our strengths and weaknesses. The work we have started and the progress we have made with our Indigenous Advisory Circle and Anti-Racism Anti-Discrimination Action Advisory Committee must continue.

Dr. Jaelene Mannerfeldt will bring a wealth of leadership experience and depth of knowledge to the role of Chair. I had the privilege of serving with her on the Executive Committee and I have the utmost confidence she will continue to serve Council well in her new role.

I would also like to thank Dr. Cardinal for her service on the 2023 Executive Committee. I remain in awe at her ability to articulate her messaging with clarity and grace and I have no doubt she will continue to excel in her leadership journey, wherever that path takes her.

Over the past two years it has been my goal to steward Council with a level of good governance and kindness, while caring for the organization’s unique privilege of self-regulation. I chose to view and engage in the medical regulation space as a playground and not a battleground, embracing Council and the organization’s innovative spirit while respecting the tradition of regulating the practice of medicine in Alberta.

I have finished the race and am happy to take my place among the leadership and Council Chairs that have come before me. I have faith that much good work will continue and I will happily walk alongside and support the new Executive Committee as I conclude my six-year term on Council in 2024.

As always, it is and was a privilege to serve.

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