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Retiring Or Withdrawing From Practice? We Still Need Your RIF.

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November Messenger 2020, Professionalism & Standards | Posted November 13, 2020

You just received a CPSA renewal notice but won’t be practising next year, do you still need to complete the Renewal Information Form (RIF)? The answer is yes.

By completing your RIF, we can update our records and remove you from further annual renewal notices.

What you need to do:

  1. Log in to the physician portal and complete the Renewal Information Form (RIF).
  2. Fill in the first question regarding your status for 2021. When you indicate you are retiring or withdrawing from practice:
    • Your form will be much shorter, only asking for necessary contact information.
    • You will not have to make payment at the end of the form.
    • You will not be issued a practice permit.

Make sure you give your patients ample notice and ensure there is follow up on any outstanding investigations.

For more information, see our Closing or Leaving a Medical Practice standard of practice, or use the contact form below:

Contact - Member Inquiries

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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