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Resources for physicians during COVID-19

COVID-19, From the Registrar, Partners | Posted September 4, 2020

“Physicians should not be reluctant to provide care, even when it may be extremely difficult to follow some components of CPSA’s Standards of Practice. CPSA will always consider the individual circumstances and context if a complaint arises during the COVID-19 pandemic. In an emergency situation, failure to meet standards is not considered unprofessional conduct if a physician can demonstrate they took all reasonable actions in their service to patients.”

Dr. Scott McLeod, CPSA Registrar


Need PPE?


Spring Exams

TDM exam postponed


Prescribing exemptions

Practice & Registration

COVID-19 Physician Registry

Thank you to all physicians who completed the COVID-19 physician registry. Your willingness to help out by ensuring we have your current work status has played an important part in ensuring Alberta’s preparedness for our COVID-19 response. We appreciate your hard work on the front lines and your dedication to providing good, safe care to Albertans.

CPSA launches Emergency Register

Scope of Practice flexibility


Assessments & Committee meetings

CPSA Assessments


To physicians from CPSA

Messages from partners

From American Academy of Sleep Medicine

NWT COVID-19 response

From the Canadian Medical Protective Association

From the Alberta College of Pharmacy

From the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)and European Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA)

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