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Practice permit extensions for physicians affected by the cancellation of the MCCQEII

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August Messenger 2021, Physicians | Posted August 12, 2021
Read time: 1 minute

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) recently updated their Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) criteria. They also shared how they will award the LMCC to physicians who were affected by the cancellation of the MCC Qualifying Exam Part II.

The LMCC will be awarded to two groups of eligible physicians in the coming months:

  • Physicians who were registered for the MCCQE Part II in May 2020 or anytime in 2021 will have their eligibility reviewed this summer. MCC anticipates awarding the LMCC to these physicians by the end of 2021.
  • Physicians who were not registered for the MCCQE Part II, but otherwise meet the new LMCC eligibility, may apply through This will likely be effective early 2022.

The unrestricted Provisional Register practice permits CPSA issued to many recent residency graduates are set to expire Dec. 31, 2021. CPSA is extending these practice permits and Registration Understanding and Acknowledgements to March 31, 2022, to accommodate MCC’s updated timeline for awarding the LMCC.

Physicians deemed ineligible for the LMCC after submitting their application should contact CPSA Registration as soon as possible. These physicians will be transferred to the Provisional Register, which will require AHS sponsorship. They will also require a Supervised Practice Assessment.

Questions? Reach out to the CPSA Registration team.

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