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February Messenger 2021 | Posted February 9, 2021

The Physician Practice Improvement Program puts the power in your hands

Through its various competence programs, CPSA works with physicians to support individuals and group practices in their provision of high-quality care to Albertans. In the past, physicians had to participate in CPSA-chosen quality improvement activities, such as Group Practice Review (GPR), MCC360 and/or a Standards of Practice (SoP) chart audit. While these tools are still available, physicians know their own practice and scope best.

Through the Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP), we want to empower physicians to choose their own path towards growth and learning, and to make changes and improvements that are meaningful to them and their patients.

With a focus on quality improvement and personal development, physicians will need to complete at least three activities every five years:

  • Practice-driven quality improvement activity, using objective data (for example, evaluating screening or processes such as third-next-appointment availability by reviewing EMR data).
  • A CPSA Standards of Practice quality improvement activity, using the standards as a benchmark to identify opportunities for improvements.
  • A personal development or wellness activity, like a multi-source feedback review.

Tools such as GPR, self-assessment SoP modules and MCC360 are still available for all physicians to use to fulfil the PPIP requirements. However, physicians may choose other activities that offer opportunities to address areas that are most important to their individual practice.

What’s next?

We invite physicians to recognize all the initiatives they are already doing that align with the three activity groups listed above. We also encourage to start considering what areas of growth they would like to focus on.

To help physicians start on the PPIP journey, CPSA will select some physicians to participate in various PPIP activities until all physicians have a good understanding of the expectations and are participating in initiatives of their own.

CPSA will be sharing more information on PPIP in the coming months, so stay tuned for more program details, resources and support.

Questions? Visit our website, or email PPIP@cpsa.ab.ca

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