Dr. Alanna Supersad: UofA’s 2021 Marnie Hinton Resident Health Award Recipient
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Congratulations to Dr. Alanna Supersad, a second-year diagnostic radiology resident who humbly received the Dr. Marnie Hinton Award for Resident Physician Health from the University of Alberta on June 23, 2021.
Although she was gracious and humble in receiving the award, Alanna has been bold when it comes to resident physician health and is described as a “tireless advocate” for advancing work in this area—as was Dr. Hinton! This year, Alanna’s work received not one, but a record four unique and impressive nomination letters!
“It is such an honour to receive this award,” says Dr. Supersad. “I’m really happy and excited about it.”
Some of Alanna’s local initiatives, many of which she started herself, include:
- Creating a friendly environment for prospective radiology residents during the CaRMS match by helping develop a dedicated CaRMS committee that participated in several virtual events leading up to and during the CaRMS interviews
- Helping to create and initiate both a Diagnostic Radiology resident mentorship program as well as Diagnostic Radiology mentorship teams involving staff, fellows and residents

She also made significant contributions to the Diagnostic Radiology Program’s wellbeing committee, expanding the role from social to wellness and creating a wellness curriculum.
Alanna’s work has also positively touched radiology residents across Canada. Through her role with the Canadian Association of Radiologists, she was able to advocate for a “Wellness Fund” to help programs purchase wellness-related items based on individual program needs, including ergonomic chairs. The University of Alberta selection committee recognized finding funds to create new opportunities like this is no simple task and is sure many residents will continue to benefit from her work for years to come. Great work, Alanna!
Dr. Marnie Hinton, a long-time Alberta physician, dedicated her life to physician health. For nearly 25 years, she worked with doctors struggling with addiction through CPSA’s Physicians Aftercare Program, sharing her wisdom about healthy sobriety and even taking members to recovery meetings in her off hours. The Dr. Marnie Hinton Award for Resident Physician Health is awarded annually to medical residents who have demonstrated an interest in physician health. The award is jointly sponsored by CPSA and AMA’s Physician and Family Support Program, with special thanks to Bennett Jones LLP for their generous contribution. See more about this award.
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