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Do you have experience in dispute resolution?

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February Messenger 2023 | Posted February 9, 2023
Read time: 1 minute

Consider joining our Complaint Review Committee and Hearing Tribunal!

CPSA’s Hearings Director’s Office is currently seeking physicians to sit on CPSA’s Complaint Review Committee (CRC) and Hearing Tribunal.

Comprised of both physician and public members, a CRC reviews dismissed complaints at the request of complainants, while a Hearing Tribunal considers evidence and arguments in adjudicating charges of unprofessional conduct against a physician.

Who is eligible to apply?

Physicians of all specialities in full-time, independent practice for at least five years and in good standing with CPSA are invited to apply. Experience serving on tribunals or committees, in formal administrative positions, or assessing medical students, residents, or physicians for readiness to enter practice are valuable assets.

How much time is involved?

The expected time commitment for a CRC meeting is one day, and one-to-two days for a hearing, plus up to 15 hours depending on the complexity of a case. Two physician members are appointed to a panel for each CRC meeting or hearing, with multiple meeting opportunities scheduled throughout the year.

The Chair of a CRC or Hearing Tribunal is also responsible for preparing decision documents with the assistance of legal counsel. Training is provided, which includes decision writing as members must synthesize large amounts of information and write decisions.

Is this a paid position?

Honoraria and expenses are paid at CPSA rates.

We promise an interesting, challenging and very satisfying experience. Please reach out to Hearings.Director@cpsa.ab.ca to apply.


Want to know more about CPSA’s hearings process? Visit our website.

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