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Continuing Competence and Restricted Activities standards of practice take effect this spring

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February Messenger 2023 | Posted February 9, 2023
Read time: 1 minute

What does this change for you? In a nutshell, not a thing.

With Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No.2) coming into force this spring, CPSA’s new Continuing Competence standard and the revised Restricted Activities standard will also go into effect.

How does this change your practice?

It doesn’t. Requirements for continuing competence and restricted activities were previously captured in the Physicians, Surgeons, Osteopaths and Physicians Assistants Regulation. The requirements haven’t changed. They’ve simply been moved from the regulation into CPSA’s Standards of Practice, as part of the implementation of the Act.

As per the revised legislation and to better support you in understanding the requirements of the Continuing Competence standard, we are developing the Continuing Competence Program Manual, which will be released when the standard goes into effect this spring.

We understand physicians and physician assistants are under pressure and have ensured both standards only address requirements previously in the regulation. We appreciate your tireless efforts in ensuring Albertans have and continue to receive safe, high-quality care.

Questions about CPSA’s Standards of Practice? Email support@cpsa.ab.ca.

Questions about our Competence programs? Email cc.inquiries@cpsa.ab.ca.

CPSA’s Continuing Competence Program

As Alberta’s medical regulator, CPSA has been responsible for ensuring physician competence since 2000. Working with physicians and physician assistants through our Continuing Competence Programs is one way we demonstrate how we achieve our mandate, reinforce the profession’s responsibility for patient safety.

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