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CPSA to introduce new non-clinical register Jan. 1, 2023

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October Messenger 2022 | Posted October 14, 2022
Read time: 2 minutes

Registered members taking leave from clinical services for 6+ months may qualify for reduced registration fee

When filling out this year’s Renewal Information Form (RIF), registered members will notice a new practice status option. Physicians and physician assistants who have active practice permits but are not engaged in any clinical work for at least six consecutive months starting Jan. 1, 2023, may qualify for CPSA’s new non-clinical register. Clinical work refers to providing medical services or advice directly or indirectly to patients, including writing prescriptions and ordering diagnostic tests.

Examples of situations that may qualify for the non-clinical register include registered members:

  • on parental leave
  • performing full-time administrative work
  • teaching full-time

Registered members who have sanctions under Part 4 of the Health Professions Act (suspension, withdrawal from active practice due to a complaint) do not qualify for the non-clinical register.

Frequently asked questions

How do I get on the new non-clinical register?

When asked to indicate your practice status on your 2023 RIF, there will be an option that says, “I have an active practice permit but I will not be engaged in any clinical work for at least 6 consecutive months starting Jan. 1, 2023.” If you select this option, CPSA’s Registration department may reach out to verify your change in practice status.

Is there a minimum amount of time I must not perform clinical work to qualify?

Physicians and physician assistants must not perform clinical work—providing medical services or advice directly or indirectly to patients, including writing prescriptions and ordering diagnostic tests—for at least six consecutive months to qualify for the non-clinical register.

What are the fees?

For physicians placed on the non-clinical register starting Jan. 1, 2023, the registration fee will be $550. Physician assistants placed on the non-clinical register starting Jan. 1, 2023, will pay a registration fee of $137.50.

If you plan to switch to non-clinical work later in the year, you will be responsible for the general or provisional registration fee until you’ve notified CPSA’s registration department (registration@cpsa.ab.ca) of your plans to change your practice status. Once they have approved your transfer to the non-clinical register, your remaining general or provisional registration fee will be prorated, taking into account the new non-clinical register fee.

When you begin to plan a return to your clinical work, please contact us in advance (registration@cpsa.ab.ca) so we can begin the process of transferring you from the non-clinical register to the provisional or general register. Your general or provisional registration fee will be prorated for the remainder of that year.

Once I am on the non-clinical register, what are my responsibilities to CPSA?

Registered members must notify us in advance when they make changes to their practice. This includes members on the non-clinical register who wish to resume clinical work. If you plan to resume offering clinical services to patients, please contact us at registration@cpsa.ab.ca.


Questions? Contact us at registration@cpsa.ab.ca.

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