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CPSA Council updates and elections

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August Messenger 2022, Physician Assistants, Physicians | Posted August 11, 2022
Read time: 2 minutes

Council approves reducing the number of voting members

Two Council members, Mr. Collin May and Dr. Raj Sherman, recently resigned from Council to pursue other opportunities, leaving one regulated member vacancy and an additional public member vacancy. CPSA Council held a special meeting on July 19 to discuss reducing the number of voting members on Council—something a recent governance review recommended to improve Council’s effectiveness.

Following those discussions, Council approved the proposed motion of reducing the number of voting members on Council from 16 to 14. This means that effective Aug. 1, there are seven regulated member and seven public member voting positions on Council.

You can read a synopsis of the meeting on our website to learn more.

New university representatives and observers

You may have also noticed that there are two new faces at our Council table. Dr. Todd Anderson is the new dean of the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, replacing Dr. Jon Meddings, who retired as of July 1. Dr. Michael Taylor will represent the Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta (PARA) as our new resident observer, replacing Dr. Laura Morrison, whose term with PARA ended on June 30. We welcome them both to CPSA Council and congratulate Dr. Anderson on his new role. Short biographies and photos of both new members are available on our website. We would also like to thank Dr. Jon Meddings, Dr. Laura Morrison, Mr. Collin May and Dr. Raj Sherman for their service to CPSA Council.


Council Elections

It’s almost time! Council nominations will be open from Aug. 17 to Sept. 14 to fill four regulated member openings. If you are ready to share your diverse experience with CPSA and the profession, gain governance and leadership skills and support CPSA’s legislated mandate to protect the public, this is your chance to put your name forward and run for a position on the governing Council of CPSA.

Submitting your nomination is easy. Follow the five steps below:

A horizontal flowchart with five purple icons representing the steps to submit your Council nomination. Step 1: Learn about the role of a CPSA Councillor; Step 2: Ensure you meet our eligibility requirements; Step 3: Find colleagues to endorse your nomination; Step 4: Complete the Regulated Member Candidate Profile Form online; Step 5: Submit your nomination by September 14, 2022.

Learn more about submitting a nomination form here.

The Regulated Member Candidate Profile Form will be available on the Council Elections webpage when nominations open on Aug. 17.

Want to know more about being a CPSA Councillor?

If you’re wondering what it’s like to be a CPSA Councillor and the opportunities that come along with it, Dr. Jaelene Mannerfeldt shared her insights and experience in the July edition of The Messenger. You can also learn more about the role of a CPSA Councillor on our website.

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