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Consultation 022: Your opportunity to provide feedback on two standards is coming soon

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March Messenger 2022, Professionalism & Standards | Posted March 10, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

An important part of providing safe medical care is making sure clinics and medical equipment are properly cleaned, disinfected and sterilized to manufacturer and CPSA standards. Physicians must also ensure they’re practising within scope and have the proper accreditation for certain services provided outside of a hospital setting.

To ensure Albertans continue receiving safe, high-quality care, CPSA is reviewing two of our standards of practice: Medical Services Requiring Accreditation Outside of Hospital Facilities and Reprocessing Medical Equipment (proposed new title: Infection Prevention and Control).

The proposed updates will be reviewed by CPSA Council at their March meeting. Once Council approves the draft amendments for consultation, we will send invitations to review revised standards and provide feedback. Watch for your invitation to participate!

Questions? Contact CPSA’s Standards of Practice Advisor, Chantelle Dick, at chantelle.dick@cpsa.ab.ca.

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