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Congratulations to the 2022 Dr. Karen Mazurek Award for Professionalism winner, Dr. Jon Meddings

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July Messenger 2022 | Posted July 14, 2022
Read time: 2 minutes

Former CPSA Deputy Registrar Dr. Karen Mazurek retired from CPSA in April 2020. Upon her retirement, CPSA established the Dr. Karen Mazurek Award for Professionalism to recognize her tremendous contributions to not only her profession as a physician, but the broader healthcare community in Canada. Dr. Mazurek committed and dedicated her life to the medical profession as a family physician for 16 years before moving to the regulatory world, spending 19 years at CPSA in several roles, including Senior Medical Advisor, Assistant Registrar and Deputy Registrar. She has been recognized for being a national collaborator, visionary thinker and a role model for thousands of physicians. Her influence has helped make Canada’s medical profession one to be proud of, and one in which care providers continue to invest. Each year, the Dr. Karen Mazurek Award for Professionalism looks to recognize those who demonstrate the same leadership and dedication to health care.

CPSA is honoured to present this year’s Dr. Karen Mazurek Award for Professionalism to Dr. Jon Meddings, who received multiple nominations championing his leadership. Dr. Meddings recently retired as Dean of the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine and is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. During his career, Dr. Meddings headed the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Calgary and chaired the Department of Medicine at the University of Alberta, among other roles. He is widely recognized as a trustworthy and inspiring mentor and an exceptional leader in our healthcare system.

"As a highly effective collaborator who has encouraged health system improvements, Dr. Meddings reflects the same qualities that Dr. Mazurek has been associated with throughout her career and which this award looks to promote and recognize."

- Dr. Scott McLeod

Dr. McLeod presents Dr. Meddings with his award at the May 2022 Council meeting.

Dr. Meddings served on CPSA Council for 10 years and has made significant contributions to improving health care on a provincial, national and international level. With his retirement as Dean of the Cumming School of Medicine, Dr. Meddings has left his position as a CPSA Council observer. CPSA and CPSA Council are grateful for his support and dedication to CPSA and the medical profession throughout his career. CPSA Registrar Dr. McLeod was honoured to present Dr. Meddings with his award during the CPSA’s May 2022 Council meeting.

CPSA supports several awards to recognize those in the healthcare community who represent leadership and a commitment to the medical profession. Find out more on our website.

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