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Annual Renewal—what’s new in 2022?

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October Messenger 2021, Physician Assistants, Physicians | Posted October 14, 2021
Read time: 2 minutes

The mandatory Patient Relations: Part 2 training is coming soon

Annual renewal for physicians and physician assistants starts this fall. To help you get ready, we’re sharing a few new things you can expect to see this year:

1. Mandatory Patient Relations: Part 2
  • All regulated CPSA members will have to complete the soon-to-be-released, online Patient Relations: Part 2 module to renew their CPSA practice permit. You have already completed Part 1 and this is the second piece to your Patient Relations training.
  • Completing this training is in response to Alberta legislation to protect patients.
  • You will not have access to complete your Renewal Information Form (RIF) until this training is complete.
  • Part 2 takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and is eligible for CPD credits.
  • A link to the training will be available mid-October via CPSA’s Physician Portal.
2. One-time, reduced physician annual fee
  • CPSA Council approved allocating $4.2 million from CPSA’s Building Fund Reserve toward CPSA operations, thereby creating a one-time annual fee reduction for all practising Alberta physicians in independent practice in 2022, who normally pay the full annual fee.
  • Instead of the planned $2,150 fee for 2022, these physicians will pay $1,792 when they renew this fall. See more.
3. No pre-populated professional addresses
  • To help improve data accuracy, we’ve removed all previous professional addresses in your 2022 RIF. This year, when you start entering an address, please select the correctly formatted Canada Post address from the drop down list. To see how it works ahead of time, try this demo.
  • The addresses you provide this year will pre-populate your 2023 RIF.
  • We have added address examples to help with consistency.
  • We will also ask you to let us know if your professional address is an AHS/Covenant Health facility.
4. New PPIP questions
  • Based on physician feedback, we have revised the Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) questions to be clearer.
  • These minor changes will make it easier to reflect on whether you’ve completed a quality improvement or personal development/wellness activity.


We hope sharing this information helps you prepare for this year’s renewal. We also encourage you to look at our helpful tips, including how to enrol in our Pre-Authorized Payment Plan (PAP) if your renewal includes fees. This year’s PAP enrolment deadline is Nov. 24, 2021.

Questions? Please email annual.billing@cpsa.ab.ca

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