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Allocation of CPSA’s Building Fund Reserve to reduce physician annual fee in 2022

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October Messenger 2021, Physician Assistants, Physicians | Posted October 14, 2021
Read time: 1 minute

As shared in June’s Messenger, after seeking feedback from the profession, CPSA Council approved allocating $5 million of a growing $9+million building fund reserve toward future projects, initiatives and research. The remainder ($4.2 million) will go toward CPSA operations, thereby creating a one-time annual fee reduction for all practising Alberta physicians in independent practice in 2022, who normally pay the full annual fee.

Instead of the planned $2,150 fee for 2022, these physicians will pay $1,792 when they renew this fall.

History of the Building Fund

2012–2016 CPSA collects $150 from each physician as part of their annual renewal with the intent to purchase or buy new office space within five years. In total, CPSA collects $6,866,437.50 from physicians.
2018 With favorable lease rates, Council decides to continue leasing until February 2029.
2019-2020 Using operational monies (not building fund reserves) CPSA renovates its current office space to meet operational needs and accommodate a growing CPSA team.
April 2021 With the reserve fund no longer required for its original purpose, Council seeks feedback from the profession via a Building Fund Survey, to help them decide on what to do with the original money plus its interest from investments over the last nine years (totaling $9+ million as of April 30, 2021).

Almost 2,000 physicians respond to the survey (a response rate of 17.8 per cent).

May 2021 After much discussion, analysis and consideration of physician feedback, Council decides to spread the fund over two of the proposed options:

  • $5 million for programs, initiatives or research
  • $4.2 million for CPSA operations, thereby creating a one-time annual fee reduction for all practising Alberta physicians in independent practice in 2022, who normally pay the full annual fee

By spreading the fund over these two options, Council meets 91 per cent of survey respondents’ requests.

September 2021 Council approves 2022 budget (which includes the one-time reduced physician annual fee for 2022).

Council approves establishment of an ad-hoc committee to oversee the building fund work.

December 2021 Council to have a facilitated discussion to articulate the vision for the use of the $5 million from the building fund reserve to fund programs, initiatives or research.

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