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2021 Annual Renewal: Are You Ready?

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Messenger October 2020, Professionalism & Standards | Posted October 13, 2020

On Nov. 2, watch your inbox for your first renewal notice. You will have until Dec. 31 to renew:

  1. Your Practice Permit. Includes completing the Renewal Information Form (RIF) and paying the annual fee.
  2. Your Professional Corporation Permit (if applicable). Includes completing the Professional Corporation Information Form (PCIF) and paying the annual fee.

If you belong to a Professional Corporation (PC) with multiple shareholders, only the designated physician will see the PC renewal information. Once completed, we will post the PC permit and receipt for ALL shareholders via the physician portal.

How to prepare before Nov. 2:

  1. Ensure we have the best email to reach you—one that is unique to you and checked regularly. Shared emails are not accepted. You can easily update your email address in the physician portal.
  2. Visit the physician portal ahead of time to set up your personal security questions. This is a new process to protect your information. Going forward, you will log in with your registration number, password and the answer to one of your security questions.
  3. Consider our Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) option to make paying for annual fees easier. Enrol by Nov. 23, 2020 using this form.
  4. See more tips to help you renew on time and avoid a late payment penalty. 


Are you retiring, withdrawing or closing your practice next year?
You still need to complete your 2021 RIF. Watch for more information in November’s Messenger.


Questions? Please contact CPSA’s Annual Renewal team using the form below:

Contact - Annual Billing

  • This is the email address we will send a submission confirmation notification to.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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