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After applying to CPSA, how long does it take to become a sponsor?

Posted April 10, 2024

Applying to become a sponsor involves the following process:

  1. Prospective sponsors complete a sponsor application form on
  2. CPSA reaches out to prospective sponsors to advise where applications are incomplete/missing information.
  3. Once an application is deemed complete, CPSA reaches out to prospective sponsors to pay the sponsorship fee.
  4. A sponsorship committee reviews the sponsor application submission and makes a decision.

Prospective sponsors will receive an email within 2 business days confirming receipt of the application. CPSA will strive to complete the initial screening of the application for completeness within 2 weeks and the final adjudication of the complete package with a written decision within another 2 weeks; the total time should be about 1 month for applications that require little to no follow-up. If an application is incomplete and requires further follow-up during the initial screening, this will impact the timelines above. CPSA anticipates that our process will continue to become more efficient and timelier with increased experience in managing sponsorship applications.