Hearing notices
The following physicians are currently involved in a CPSA hearing.
Physician |
What is a hearing?
A hearing takes place when a complaint investigation reveals a physician has not provided good medical care, or has seriously breached a CPSA Standard of Practice or the CMA’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism.
How it works
Deciding whether or not a physician is guilty is the job of an independent Hearing Tribunal. Made up of an equal number of physician and public members, the Tribunal carefully considers all the evidence provided to make their decision.
If found guilty of unprofessional conduct, the Hearing Tribunal also determines what sanctions to impose as outlined in the Health Professions Act (Section 82).
Possible sanctions may include:
- Restrictions on the physician’s practice (e.g., need for a chaperone or limiting the number of patients seen).
- Suspension or loss of the physician’s practice permit (while suspended, a physician cannot treat patients or bill for medical services).
- A monetary fine.
- The need to participate in additional training or a practice assessment.
Participating in a hearing? See our detailed Hearings Guide which explains how it all works.
Attend a hearing
CPSA hearings take place virtually and are open to the public. If interested in attending, you must pre-register by using the contact form at the bottom of this page to contact the Hearings Director. Learn more about attending a hearing.

Hearings FAQs for Albertans
To see more FAQs for Albertans, click on All FAQs and filter by "Albertans"
All FAQsAre hearing tribunal decisions made on the same day as the hearing?
Not always. When the parties do not agree, the hearing tribunal will reserve its decision and issue an order in writing on a later date. Determining the appropriate penalty can also take place at an additional hearing on another day.
As the complainant, do I participate in the hearing?
Only if you are called as a witness.
How can I review a transcript of a hearing or copies of the exhibits entered as evidence?
Hearings are recorded by a Court Reporter, who can prepare a transcript upon request for a cost. Please contact CPSA’s Privacy Coordinator for more information.
Exhibits, however, are not part of the public record, therefore we cannot provide copies (even if the exhibits are entered as evidence and referenced in the Hearing Tribunal’s written decision).
How will I be notified about the hearing tribunal's decision?
You will receive a copy of the decision from the Hearings Director. The decision will also be posted on CPSA’s website, on both the physician’s profile and under discipline decisions.
If I attend a hearing as an observer, can I record it (audio or video)?
No. To protect the integrity of the hearing process, we ask members of the public to sign an undertaking agreeing not to record the proceedings before we allow them to attend.
If I have questions about a hearing that’s just taken place, who should I contact?
If you are a member of the media, contact CPSA’s Communications Director. However, please note CPSA cannot comment on any part of a hearing process until the Hearing Tribunal has delivered their decision in writing.
Any other questions can be directed to the Hearings Director’s office.
What will happen if my physician or physician assistant is found guilty of unprofessional conduct?
The hearing tribunal will notify the parties involved. Next, it will determine the appropriate penalty. The decision on penalty can occur on the same day as the hearing or at a later date.
Who can I contact for more information about hearings?
Please contact hearings.director@cpsa.ab.ca or call 780-969-4928 or 1-800-561-3899 ext, 4928 (in Canada)
Hearings FAQs for Physicians
To see more FAQs for Physicians, click on All FAQs and filter by "Physicians"
All FAQsAre hearing tribunal decisions made on the same day as the hearing?
Not always. When the parties do not agree, the hearing tribunal will reserve its decision and issue an order in writing on a later date. Determining the appropriate penalty can also take place at an additional hearing on another day.
How can I serve on a hearing tribunal?
Complete our expression of interest form at the bottom of our Committees page.
How will I be notified about the hearing tribunal's decision?
You will receive a copy of the decision from the Hearings Director. The decision will also be posted on CPSA’s website, on both the physician’s profile and under discipline decisions.
Who can I contact for more information about hearings?
Please contact hearings.director@cpsa.ab.ca or call 780-969-4928 or 1-800-561-3899 ext, 4928 (in Canada)
Have questions about hearings?
Phone: 780-969-4961