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Statement: Vaccination guidance in Alberta

Media Release | Posted July 7, 2021

CPSA has recently become aware of statements insinuating that we have been directed to prevent physicians from speaking out about alleged dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine. This is not the case and it’s important that we clarify our position.

Vaccines play an integral role in developing immunity and limiting the spread of viruses, but we recognize some Albertans have concerns and questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s important for Albertans to be well-informed, and CPSA encourages those who are feeling cautious or hesitant to speak with their healthcare provider about any concerns. As Alberta’s medical regulator, our responsibility is to protect the public and to provide physicians with the tools and support they need to provide effective and safe care. We have therefore been working diligently to share the most up-to-date medical evidence and vaccine information from experts in the field of public health when it becomes available.

CPSA’s expectation of all physicians is to use their unique position of trust in the community to share scientifically-based evidence in all their communications, and not share false information that could jeopardize the safety of the public. It’s important not to perpetuate the misinformation that is limiting people from taking advantage of vaccinations.

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