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PROACTIVE Panel Event: Identifying and Managing Violence in the Workplace

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Messenger October 2020, Partners | Posted October 13, 2020

PROactive: Partners in Professionalism

PROactive: Partners in Professionalism is a collaborative effort between Alberta Health Services, the Alberta Medical Association, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, the Health Quality Council of Alberta and the Faculties of Medicine taking place at the two universities to explore means of enhancing professionalism within medicine and how we can work together to institute principles of a just culture.

Healthy Conversations | Healthy Colleagues

The PROactive Alliance has developed a series of moderated panel conversations entitled “Healthy Conversations | Healthy Colleagues.” There will be five theme-based events scheduled to take place over the fall of 2020 and the winter of 2021.

The first event is Identifying and Managing Violence in the Workplace – Experiences and Strategies. This two-part session will offer opportunities to discuss issues of concern affecting safety in the workplace, ideas about how to enhance safety, what processes are available and the organizational and regulatory commitments that support safety for providers.

Part 1 is scheduled for Oct. 21, 2020, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. It is dedicated to the memory of Red Deer Family Physician Dr. Walter Reynolds who died at the hands of an individual in his clinic in August. The conversation will include a brief introduction to the topic before hearing from physicians who have experienced violence firsthand. Opportunities for therapeutic (supportive) conversations and an introduction to the supports that are available to the physician community will be included.

Part 2 is scheduled for Oct. 27, 2020, from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Further discussion about the nature, scope and types of ‘violence in the workplace’ will take place along with practical tips for identifying, managing and mitigating risk. It is encouraged that participants register for both dates to receive full benefit from this important discussion.

Visit the University of Calgary website for registration information

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