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Looking to start a PPIP activity? Or earn CME credits? Review your MD Snapshot-Prescribing!

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May Messenger 2023, Prescribing | Posted May 11, 2023
Read time: 1 minute

Your up-to-date MD Snapshot-Prescribing is now available in the Analytics section of your secure CPSA Portal. Along with your personalized prescribing data up to the first quarter of 2023, you will also find relevant and timely information and resources about opioid, benzodiazepine/z-drug and antibiotic prescribing.

Log in and review your MD Snapshot-Prescribing

How can you make the most of your prescribing data?

MD Snapshot-Prescribing can help increase your prescribing awareness and identify opportunities to optimize patient care. Reviewing your data also qualifies for Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits and can be your source of objective data in a Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) activity. Find out more about how to make the most of your prescribing data:

Questions or issues?

  • If you suspect data errors or experience technical issues, please notify us via the secure “Report an Issue” button in the Portal.
  • If you have questions about your Snapshot, email AIR.Inquiries@cpsa.ab.ca or call either 780-969-4935 or 1-800-561-3899, ext. 4972.

If you’d like a detailed prescription history for a patient, contact TPP Alberta at TPP.info@cpsa.ab.ca, or call 1-800-561-3899, ext. 4939.

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