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Important news from Alberta’s Tracked Prescription Program (TPP Alberta)

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April Messenger 2022, Prescribing, TPP Alberta | Posted April 14, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

Updates to the Type 2 list and a survey about TPP Alberta’s new website

TPP Alberta collects data to support good prescribing and dispensing practices for monitored drugs, and to optimize safe patient care. On March 3, the TPP Alberta Steering Committee approved several updates to the TPP Alberta Medication Lists to allow for additional monitoring and reporting on drugs at risk of misuse or use for non-clinical purposes.

Amphetamine-type stimulants (generic and brand name) have been added to the Type 2 drug list. This includes dextroamphetamine (e.g., Dexedrine®), lisdexamfetamine (e.g., Vyvanse®) and mixed amphetamine salts (e.g. Adderall®).

All methylphenidate products, whether generic or brand name, and immediate or delayed release, are now classified as Type 2 medications. This reclassification will allow for a consistent categorization of methylphenidate to simplify the prescribing and dispensing processes, and address some patient issues (such as drug plan coverage policies). An evaluation of this listing status will occur in one year to assess the benefits or possible challenges associated with re-categorization.

All stimulants, including methylphenidate products, continue to be monitored electronically as Type 2 TPP medications. With this change, a TPP form is no longer required to prescribe generic methylphenidate.

Gabapentinoids (generic and brand name) have also been added as Type 2 products. This includes gabapentin (e.g., Neurontin®) and pregabalin (e.g., Lyrica®). There is emerging evidence of misuse and risk of harm with these medications among certain vulnerable populations, accentuated with concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine use. Gabapentinoids will be monitored electronically and a TPP form is not required to prescribe them.

New TPP Alberta website—tell us what you think

In late 2021, we launched a new website for TPP Alberta and would appreciate your input. Please take a few moments to complete our survey to let us know what you think and how the new site is working for you. All feedback will be considered to ensure TPP Alberta provides online resources and information that are valuable to visitors of the site.


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