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Encouraging Patient Conversations About Prescribing

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December Messenger 2020, MD Snapshot-Prescribing, Prescribing | Posted December 14, 2020

How one physician uses MD Snapshot-Prescribing to improve his practice

CPSA began distributing MD Snapshot-Prescribing in 2016, to provide physicians with in-depth data on their prescribing and empower them to self-reflect and make positive changes to the care they provide. Dr. Darryl LaBuick, a Family Physician from St. Albert, tells us how MD Snapshot-Prescribing has impacted his practice:

When you first started receiving MD Snapshot-Prescribing, what was your reaction?

My first degree was in Pharmacy, so I’ve always had an interest in prescribing practices and behaviour. I was on the TPP Alberta Steering Committee a number of years ago and the Prescribing Snapshot was something we discussed back then. Although the data was a little rough at first, I was excited to see the beginnings and thought it was a good start and would continue to improve.

How do you view it today?

I think it is still a good resource. It is quick and easy to review and analyze.

Family Physicians have a great number of issues to deal with and things tend to fall by the wayside. The Prescribing Snapshot helps me maintain vigilance with prescribing opioids and benzodiazepines, keeping them front-of-mind. Along with the supporting information provided, it has also helped me have conversations with seniors about benzodiazepines, allowing for shared decision-making around deprescribing. The supporting information also encourages conversations around reducing opioid doses and eliminating dose increases.

Which data from MD Snapshot-Prescribing do you find the most useful?

The trend graphs are the most useful, since it gives insight into prescribing trends and whether my practice behaviour has changed. It also allows me to review other influencing factors in the trends.

What benefit do you think the prescribing reports can bring to a physician’s practice?

Overall, it offers us another tool to reflect on our practice behaviour and work on overall patient quality improvement and safety. It also provides awareness around opioid and benzodiazepine prescribing, so we can remain vigilant about these medications.

The Prescribing Snapshot is a tool we can use to improve the quality of our practice. It is designed for education, self-reflection and is an opportunity to be a better-prescribing physician. We all have challenging patients in our practice and this resource is meant to reduce harm in these situations and assist us in managing the challenges that come with prescribing medications.

If you’ve prescribed an opioid, benzodiazepine or Z-drug, log into your Physician Portal and visit the Analytics tab to review your latest prescribing data.  

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