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Dr. Ian Gebhardt sanctioned for sexual touching of a patient

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted April 18, 2024

Edmonton, AB – Dr. Ian Gebhardt, a family physician from Medicine Hat, was sanctioned by a CPSA Hearing Tribunal after he was found guilty of sexual touching of a vulnerable patient.

As Dr. Gebhardt’s conduct occurred in 2017, prior to the implementation of An Act to Protect Patients, mandatory sanctions under that legislation do not apply in this case. After considering submissions from both parties, the Tribunal’s orders on sanction included the following:

  • Dr. Gebhardt’s practice permit is suspended for 20 months, with 17.5 months considered served for time Dr. Gebhardt was already out of practice, and the remaining time held in abeyance pending compliance with the Tribunal’s remaining orders.
  • A condition requiring a chaperone who is a regulated health professional be present for all patient encounters is placed indefinitely on Dr. Gebhardt’s practice permit (this condition has been in place since 2022).
  • At his own cost, Dr. Gebhardt must participate in a multi-disciplinary assessment, and his practice permit is subject to any conditions or restrictions recommended from the assessment. The Hearing Tribunal retains authority to determine the nature, scope and duration of any practice conditions.
  • Dr. Gebhardt is responsible for two-thirds of the costs of the investigation and hearing.

Dr. Gebhardt has appealed the finding of unprofessional conduct made by the Hearing Tribunal. CPSA’s Complaints Director has appealed the Tribunal’s decision to order suspension of Dr. Gebhardt’s practice permit rather than cancellation of his registration with CPSA.

Resources (trigger/content warning: sexual abuse, sexual language):
CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision—sanction
CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision—merits
CPSA media release (September 2023)

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