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Dr. Ghassan Al-Naami reinstated with practice conditions

Media Release | Posted September 2, 2021

On Aug. 14, 2019, Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams (ALERT) announced Dr. Ghassan Al-Naami, a pediatrician from Edmonton, had been arrested and charged with possession and transmission of child pornography. He was released from custody on conditions that prevented him from seeing pediatric patients without a guardian present, and he signed an undertaking with CPSA to withdraw from practice. Dr. Al-Naami has pleaded not guilty and the criminal trial has yet to be held.

The Court of Queen’s Bench issued a decision on July 16, 2021 directing CPSA’s Complaints Director to determine if Dr. Al-Naami could be permitted to return to practice, and on what conditions. The Complaints Director and Dr. Al-Naami have agreed on the terms for his return to practice, which include the requirement to have a chaperone present.

The chaperone condition states that a CPSA-approved chaperone (who is a regulated health professional) must be in attendance for all patient encounters (in-person or via online video), whether or not the patient’s parent, legal guardian, or caregiver is also present. Signage, stating the above condition, must also be visible in his office.

In addition, Dr. Al-Naami is not permitted to ask for or accept any electronic photograph or video file of any patient; nor shall he record any image of a virtual encounter with any patient. Dr. Al-Naami must provide a letter to all scheduled parents, guardians, patients, and referring healthcare providers, which clearly states all of the practice conditions listed above.


Court of Queen’s Bench decision

CPSA media release (Aug. 14, 2019)

ALERT media release (Aug. 14, 2019)

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