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Dr. Doug Coddington sanctioned after admission of unprofessional conduct

Posted May 8, 2024

Edmonton, AB – Surgical assistant Dr. Doug Coddington was sanctioned by a CPSA Hearing Tribunal after admitting to unprofessional conduct.

It was alleged that in 2022, Dr. Coddington put his hands on a nursing colleague during a dispute over the consent process for a patient who required surgery. Dr. Coddington accepted responsibility for his actions, recognizing that his conduct was unprofessional.

The Tribunal accepted a joint agreement on sanction and ordered the following:

  • Dr. Coddington will receive a reprimand.
  • Dr. Coddington’s practice permit is suspended for 30 days, which is held in abeyance to acknowledge the rehabilitation work he has already completed (a letter of apology to his colleague, counseling with a therapist following the incident and completion of a course on professional boundaries).
  • Dr. Coddington is responsible for two-thirds of the costs of the investigation and hearing.

CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision

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