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CPSA Statement on Protecting Albertans’ rights and freedoms

CPSA, Governance, Media Release | Posted October 24, 2024

The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) supports the Government of Alberta’s stance that professionals should retain their right to free speech in the expression of personal opinions. We also believe that the public interest requires a balance when such views intersect with professional practice and could impact patient safety. CPSA is committed to continuing to protect patient safety while upholding the professional standards and freedoms of Alberta’s doctors.

We believe Alberta’s robust legislative framework will support this important discussion now and in the future. This framework requires that all Standards of Practice from health professions be open to public consultation and reviewed by the Minister of Health, stakeholders and the profession itself before adoption. This allows for public input to identify potential overreach. Additionally, at least half of the members on any Hearing Tribunal presiding over complaints must be public appointees, ensuring that public values are represented in decision-making.

Moreover, as a health profession regulator, CPSA remains accountable to the public through the Minister of Health, and courts and other bodies like the Alberta Ombudsman can review our decisions. These protections help ensure that Alberta’s regulators are attuned to the importance of free speech, intervening only when the public interest necessitates it.

While CPSA recognizes the effectiveness of these existing measures, we are committed to ongoing improvement and dialogue with legislators, peers and professionals to further prevent regulatory overreach. We look forward to collaborating with the government to develop effective legislation that balances public safety with the protection of individual freedoms.

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