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CPSA Healthier Albertan Grant: 279 expressions of intent received

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February Messenger 2023 | Posted February 9, 2023
Read time: 1 minute

To enhance the delivery of safe, high-quality care to Albertans, CPSA Council approved a one-time grant program, the CPSA Healthier Albertan Grant, in September 2022. With a total of $5 million in funding, the grant is intended to support organizations and/or individuals in Alberta with their projects, initiatives and/or research. To be eligible for the grant, projects must align with at least one of CPSA’s strategic directions while directly benefiting the health of Albertans or improving their care.

In late 2022, we invited eligible Alberta-based organizations and/or individuals to apply for the grant, and we were thrilled to receive 279 expressions of intent by the deadline. All applicants had the opportunity to submit questions by Jan. 4, 2023, which we’ve summarized and answered on the grant FAQ page.

All applicants who submitted their expression(s) of intent must submit their final proposal(s) by Feb. 28, 2023. Once the application closes, the evaluation committee will review the proposals, select recipients based on the selection criteria and ensure each granted proposal meets all the requirements outlined in the request for proposal. The recommended list of grant recipients will be shared with CPSA Council in May for their final approval before we notify the successful applicants.

With the proposal deadline fast approaching, the grant’s evaluation committee is looking forward to reviewing innovative initiatives that will contribute to the health and care of Albertans. Stay tuned for the announcement of successful projects in June!

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