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Continuing Competence, Restricted Activities & Medical Assistance in Dying standards in effect

Governance, Standards of Practice | Posted April 3, 2023

The Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No.2) came into force on Friday, March 31, 2023. This means CPSA’s new Continuing Competence standard and the revised Restricted Activities (formerly Supervision of Restricted Activities) standard also went into effect as of March 31.

How does this change your practice?
It doesn’t. Requirements for continuing competence and restricted activities were previously captured in the Physicians, Surgeons, Osteopaths and Physicians Assistants RegulationThe requirements haven’t changed, they’ve simply been moved from the regulation into CPSA’s Standards of Practice.

We have also developed the Restricted Activities Advice to the Profession document and the Continuing Competence Program Manual, to support physicians and physician assistants in understanding CPSA’s competence programs and the requirements of the standard.


We have ensured only requirements already part of the previous regulation were captured in these standards. If you have any questions, please email


The revised Medical Assistance in Dying standard took effect on April 1, 2023. Changes to this standard include:
  • Added details to ensure the patient’s capacity and consent for MAID.
  • The safeguards outlined in the Criminal Code of Canada when determining a patient’s eligibility.
  • The use of an AHS reporting form to fulfill federal reporting requirements.

Originally, the revised standard also captured changes prompted by Bill C-7, which removed the exclusion of mental illness from MAID eligibility. However, this change has been postponed by the federal government to 2024, so currently mental illness remains ineligible for MAID under the Criminal Code.

Review our updated documents on MAID:

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