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Be engaged in CPSA’s Council Election

Council, Latest News Archive, Messenger, September Messenger 2020 | Posted September 11, 2020
Get ready to cast your vote starting Sept. 16

Physicians in Alberta are currently facing unprecedented change delivering care in the midst of a pandemic while recognizing the possibility we could be overwhelmed with a massive surge at any moment. We are rapidly expanding the use of virtual care while trying to determine the right balance between in-person assessments and patient safety. The current state of affairs in our province has, in some cases, increased a sense of pessimism amongst our profession. Some of you may be feeling disenfranchised and defeated. In the last few months alone, we have seen dramatic changes and debate to the core of professional regulation in Alberta.

Every physician has a simple opportunity to make their voice heard in strengthening the profession of medicine in Alberta. This fall is your chance to elect two colleagues to serve a three-year term on CPSA Council. These Councillors do not represent the interests of physicians, but rather, will carry forth their responsibilities to facilitate CPSA’s mandate of protecting the public. However, I would like to emphasize this is the time when we need dedicated and altruistic physicians to offer suitable front-line perspectives on the regulation of the profession. With so many external pressures facing physicians, we must ensure we are protecting the public without inadvertently impairing our ability to provide safe care to Albertans.

I can only speak for myself, but I struggle to maintain a balance between my personal and professional responsibilities; but I know the importance of our work on Council. At times like this, it is reassuring to know we have colleagues who are committed to our profession and regulating the practice of medicine. By reading their Candidate Profiles once available and taking the short amount of time required to vote, we all have the ability to be engaged and make a difference.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

Dr. John Bradley
CPSA Council President

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