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Alberta’s Digital Overdose Response System: Reducing the risk of opioid overdose deaths

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August Messenger 2021, From Physicians, Physicians, Prescribing | Posted August 12, 2021
Read time: 1 minute

Did you know that in Alberta, seven out of 10 opioid overdose deaths occur in private residences? Far too many people are using extremely potent drugs alone.

Aware360 Ltd. (in consultation with the Government of Alberta, experts in addiction medicine, emergency medical services (EMS) and people with lived experience) has developed a tool to reduce risk. The Digital Overdose Response System (DORS) is a mobile app that allows a person to connect urgently with EMS should they use alone and become unable to respond.

If EMS is activated, first responders will have user-inputted location information and GPS data from the person’s mobile device to locate them urgently to reduce the risk of death from an overdose.

As physicians working in Addiction Medicine, we strongly support the introduction and use of technology to save lives and prevent tragic outcomes for our community members who use drugs. Please share information on this app with any person using opioids or other substances to help them reduce their risk of overdose

For additional information on DORS, including opportunities to sign up to be notified when the App is available in your area, visit DORSApp.ca.

Feel free to reach out to either of us if you have further questions or comments regarding this service.


Monty Ghosh (monty.ghosh@albertahealthservices.ca)
Nathaniel Day (nathaniel.day@albertahealthservices.ca)

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