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2023 CPSA Council Election

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Council, September Messenger 2022 | Posted September 15, 2022
Read time: 1 minute

Watch your inbox on Sept. 21 to cast your vote

Get ready to vote! On Sept. 21, physicians and physician assistants will get an email from CPSA ( with a link to view this year’s candidates and to vote via our secure CPSA Portal. Voting will remain open until Oct. 19, 2022. To see if you’re eligible to vote, review our recently-updated eligibility requirements.

Voting is easy:

  1. From Sept. 21 to Oct. 19, log in to your CPSA Portal
  2. Click the link in the Elections banner
  3. View the list of candidates and read their profiles
  4. Select the candidates you want to vote for and submit

Why your vote matters

CPSA Council helps guide and lead our profession to improve health care for all Albertans. Voting is your opportunity to choose the individual(s) who you feel is best suited to fulfill this important role and shape the future of medicine. This year you can vote for up to four candidates to fill four regulated member openings.

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