What is Practice Checkup?
MD Snapshot-Practice Checkup is an educational tool produced to facilitate self-reflective quality improvement (QI) by assessing the current evidence around various factors that can potentially impact physician performance. The goal is to help physicians reduce possible risks and improve the quality of their practice.
The Practice Checkup is sent annually to every active physician in Alberta who sees patients, populated by responses provided in the annual Renewal Information Form (RIF) and from CPSA’s database.

Practice Checkup FAQs
All FAQsHow do I claim CME credits?
Physicians who review their Practice Checkup and are registered with the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) are eligible to claim uncertified Mainpro+ credits under the CFPC’s “Assessment” category of credit. Additionally, a Linking Learning exercise can be completed to earn five Mainpro+ certified credits. Members of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) may claim MOC Section 3 credits.
Why can't I access my report?
For the best experience, we recommend using Internet Explorer, Edge or Chrome on your desktop computer. If you’re still having issues accessing your report, please see this troubleshooting guide.
Have feedback or comments on the report?
We’d love to hear from you! Please use the contact form to email us with any feedback or comments on Practice Checkup.